The important V’s of MY, did you know…


The important V’s of MY, did you know…

MY is a Very Important Yogurt (VIY)  for everyone and it is a privilege to do our bit in helping make you all happy and healthy.

MY Yogurt is tasty, easy and has lots of health benefits. Have you noticed that the yogurt section of most grocery stores has practically taken over the dairy aisle? It’s getting harder to find more traditional dairy foods, such as cottage cheese and sour cream, amid the sea of yogurt options. But it only makes sense that a food with as many health benefits as yogurt be given prime real estate in the supermarket.


First off, your body needs to have a healthy amount of ”good” bacteria in the digestive tract, and MY yogurts are made using active, good bacteria. One of the words you’ll be hearing more of in relation to MY yogurt is ”probiotics.” Probiotic, which literally means ”for life,” refers to living organisms that can result in a health benefit when eaten in adequate amounts.

And let us not forget that yogurt comes from milk. So, yogurt eaters will also get a dose of animal protein (about 9 grams per 6-ounce serving), plus several other nutrients found in dairy foods, like calcium, vitamin B-2, B-12, potassium, and magnesium.


The fact is that the health benefits of MY yogurt are so impressive that many health-conscious people make it a daily habit. The secret is a choice of zero limits with pro-biotic, pre-biotic, fibre gum, collagen, soya, protein, etc. It could have a value of excellence and in the same time unbearable desire of vice which is not bad at all but a capture of vicious sense.




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